We are a group of volunteers who use our hobbies and skills, to help others who need our support.

We are constantly coming across areas that our amazing Stitcher's would like to support and provide 1000's of items each year to individuals, organisations and hospitals around the UK.

Many of our Stitchers have found, having an outlet and purpose for something they enjoy to do, has been a great way to feel part of a community and useful again. Especially after all of the lockdowns. Just by doing something they love! 

Having been up and running for several years now all Stitchers have definitely enjoyed growing with us over the years and remain very proud of what we have and continue to achieve.

We also  provide Knitted Knockers (affiliated with the founding group in the USA), Lucy's Gowns and our new Zip2PICC's . 

Below are some of the other areas that we support. Further information about each can be found on dedicated pages.

We have many remote stitchers now, so please don't feel that you are excluded from joining in no matter where you are in the UK so please get in touch so we can work our how best to support you, supporting us.

Areas we support

Well!!! we are also, now an award winning organisation!!!!

Nominated by the Lovely Elaine from Basingstoke Volunteer Association BVA  ... we won the Health and Wellbeing category, sponsored by Ely Lilly! 

This award is for every Stitcher out there who has knitted, sewn, crochetted or done a plethora of other important jobs. 

To all of the satellite groups and remote stitchers who have done their bit. 

And of course...all those who have donated and suported us to ensure we can financially achieve the amazing things we do, for so many. 

Enjoy that winner feeling folks, you all deserve it!


Help us make a change @ SumUp

Oakley Stitchers is a Community Interest Company (CIC) limited by guarantee (14711617)

© Oakley Stitchers 2024

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